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When it comes to protecting the safety and security of your place of residence, the unfortunate fact is, if you aren't pro-active right now, your property is probably going to be much more attractive to a potential burglar. There are a good number of things you can do to safeguard your home from robbery. Of course, you can't anticipate every possible weakness, but you can still take reasonable and affordable measures to avoid most scenarios in which a break-in could happen.

Don't store your garage-door remotes and keys where they're visible to intruders.

It's a rotten idea to keep your keys and remotes on display close to your door, where anybody can see them by peeking inside the window. Instead, put them inside a cupboard door or drawer. They'll be easily accessible, yet well hidden.

Don't keep a "hidden" extra key outside.

A thief will easily locate the key that you placed beneath your welcome mat, in your mailbox, under the planter, or above the door frame. Even if you have a phony-rock keyholder, a crook is already liable to know what it looks like. Your best bet is to give your spare key to a trusted neighbor or friend. Hide your valuables well.

  • Keep your fine jewelry, emergency cash, and treasured possessions in unexpected locations.
  • Rent a safe-deposit box at your bank to guard your particularly crucial items.
  • A home safe might fulfill your security requirements better than a safe-deposit box will, maybe one you hide in the wall behind a painting, or anchor to the floor.

Fortify the air conditioning unit.

You don't want a prowler to come in through an unsecured window, so apply corner braces, an air-conditioner bracket, or a sliding window lock.

Don't leave a ladder out in the yard.

Somebody with criminal intentions might pretend to be a contractor or handyman, and could take your ladder to get up on your balcony or to get in through a second-floor window.

Post warning signs and stickers.

It's a good strategy to place an insignia from a security company on each window and/or next to every exterior door ~ even if you don't really have a security system. You can also put up a "No Trespassing" or "Beware of Dog" sign.

Eliminate potential hiding spots.

Maintain your hedges, shrubs, trees, and other plants, making sure they're well trimmed. If they're poorly spaced, too tall, or unwieldy, a trespasser can hide without much effort.

Use lights efficiently.

Install outdoor lighting, with infrared motion detectors next to each door. Motion detector lights discourage potential robbers. You can even connect them up to your smart device, so you can detect any dubious activity, and act immediately. Some respond to fluctuations in sound, temperature, or daylight. Also, whenever you're not home, make it a habit to keep some lights on inside.

Install timers.

Put timers on your porch lights, so anytime you're out during the day, or if you'll be away for a long vacation, you can make it look as if folks are home. You can also attach timers to your TVs, radios, and computers. If you have a smart device aligned to your timers, with a mobile app you can monitor and control anything that may arise so you can make it appear as if your home is occupied even while you're not there.

Set up basic household rules.

  • Keep your garage door in tiptop shape, and whenever you're not home, always be sure that it's completely shut and locked.
  • Keep your windows and doors locked whenever you're gone, and also when you all go to sleep.
  • Do not open the door to people you don't know. (Put in a peephole, if you don't have one already.)

Additional Ways to Improve Your Home Security

There are more ways to enhance your home security. Some will take more effort than others, but depending upon your living situation, they may still fit into your budget. To learn more about the many choices available, if you're any place in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, request a free consultation from a legitimate company, where a mobile staff residential locksmith specialist will always be happy to help you.

Upgrade your locks.

Any professional locksmith will tell you that deadbolts provide increased security. Get a grade-2 deadbolt lock, which penetrates the doorframe.

Digital or smart locks are electronic devices which give you extra security at the front door. Some smart locks can be synced up with your smart device, so you won't ever have to carry your house key again.

Reinforce your doors.

Evaluate your exterior entry points. A hollow door is of lower quality, making it easier for criminals to break in. Therefore, replace it with a solid door made of metal or wood.

Examine the front- and back-door locks. If any of them have vulnerabilities, bolster them by replacing the strike plate (the stationary piece where the bolt enters), and by mounting an extra solid-metal plate for the sliding bolt, on the doorjamb. If you have short mounting screws, replace them with longer screws, which will reach the door's studs, adding expanded sturdiness to the door frame.

If you have sliding-glass doors, you can secure them more effectively by placing a cut-to-size wooden dowel ~ or an adjustable safety bar ~ inside the floor track. You can add a floor bolt, also.

Install surveillance cameras.

Surveillance cameras will make you aware of everything that's occurring around the perimeter of your home. You'll be alerted of anything suspicious so you can call the authorities instantly if you observe any sign of foul play. Purchase an excellent-quality surveillance camera if you want recorded video footage as well. Depending on your budget and requirements, you could add some more sophisticated security features, such as a fingerprint.

Invest in state-of-the-art home automation.

If you have a bigger budget, you might choose to monitor all your home's activities using a smart app. It's possible to manage your entire household with a smart alarm system. From simulating your routine habits, to monitoring all property activities, even while you're away, your property can almost take care of itself! If anything unusual happens, you'll be notified on your smart device by an alert. When you choose a smart home security system, you'll achieve outstanding security.

For More Info.

CALL TODAY! (330) 680-5195

Cuyahoga Falls Locksmith is proud to provide services for those looking for automotive, residential, emergency and commercial solutions in Cuyahoga Falls.
