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No one gets locked out on purpose. It may seem humorous when recalling the situation years later, or when it happens to the “other” person, but lets’ face it; lockouts are never planned and can really throw your schedule and day for a loop! We all know that getting yourself locked out is not the end of the world, but it sure can feel that way! Imagine going out to bring in the morning paper and getting locked out of the house in your bathrobe with the whole street still asleep. Or, you might be dropping off your spouse at the airport and accidentally close the trunk lid while your keys are inside. What should you do and how do you best handle situations like these? Keep reading though; we offer some great tips on how to help prevent lockouts in the first place and how to deal with them on your own if they happen anyway.

Why so many lockouts?

It’s a valid question. Why ARE there so many lockouts? They happen not only here in Cuyahoga Falls, OH but everywhere else, too. The reason is simple; there are so many lockout situations because there are so many locks. They are everywhere and with good reason. Locks work, and they work well (or else folks wouldn’t be locked out!). We use locks at home; bedrooms, front and backdoors, bathrooms, shed, garage doors, mailboxes, etc. We use locks at our businesses; desks, doors, file cabinets, storage rooms, warehouses, lockers, etc. Of course our cars have locks, too. We have doors, trunk, glove compartment, console, etc. With this plethora of locking devices, it is only natural that many lockout situations occur on a regular basis, everywhere!

Keep your “cool” and don’t just react!

It was most likely a moment of inattention that caused you to become locked out in the first place. Maybe you were planning what to make for dinner when you ran inside the dry cleaners to pick up a load of clothes. What you didn’t plan on was leaving the keys dangling from the ignition switch inside the locked car! You lead a busy life and it’s easy for our minds to get one step ahead at times. Once you are actually locked out, it’s always best to not panic or over-react. Imagine getting angry (mostly at yourself) and taking it out on your door or window. Anyone seeing you might think you are “off your rocker” or dangerous. Just as bad, you might appear to be vulnerable if you look confused or distraught. Your moment of weakness can be someone else’s opportunity to try and take advantage of you.

Don’t be a vandal!

Resist the urge to break back inside. Not only can you be injured by cut glass or jagged metal and wood pieces, but you might hurt other in the process. Also, any damage done must be repaired later and you are only running up your bill that could otherwise be spent on calling a locksmith. There’s also another danger; getting shot! Believe it or not many people are mistaken for a burglar, home invader, or worse and shot by roommates, spouses, neighbors and even police. Don’t risk any of this – keep calm and follow our tips!

Spare keys can be good AND bad!

Our Cuyahoga Falls locksmiths love the idea of spare keys – when used right! Too many people leave one under the door mat or over the door sill where any self-respecting intruder will look first. Please don’t do that. Be smart and hide your spare key in a rain gutter, in the backyard BBQ grill, inside a birdhouse; anywhere not obvious! Some of our local customers hide one in a cell phone case, wallet or purse; that’s up to you. Others choose to put a spare house key under the floor mat of the car (this works best with keyless entry). If you trust your neighbor, give one to him or her. You can do the same for family members or special friends. You still have to call them, but 99% of people nowadays have their smart phones on them at all times so this shouldn’t present a problem. In fact, talking on the phone can have a calming effect so don’t discount this!

Commercial lockouts

For business owners or managers, getting locked out can be just as traumatic. If you have customers starting to show up or if you are the only one on duty, there is a real urgency to the problem. Many shopping centers or office complexes have management offices with staff that can help during business hours. If after hours, you may have to call another manager or owner so it’s best to log some key phone numbers into your smart phone, including one to a trusted local locksmith shop.

Call a locksmith

Face it; you may have to break down and call a locksmith. It’s not so bad; call the right ones and you can access 24-hour emergency service just when you need it most. Many shops offer fast service and same day appointments. Of course if you are locked out, you don’t want or need an appointment; you want immediate service without a big price tag! Our advice is to either use our helpful Cuyahoga Falls emergency pros or call around and find a shop that suits your particular lock and key needs. Think of the alternatives and the risk and even danger involved with “going it alone.” Try using spare keys, helpful neighbors, etc. but bear one thing in mind; you will need to get back inside sooner or later; why not now?

For More Info.

CALL TODAY! (330) 680-5195

Cuyahoga Falls Locksmith is proud to provide services for those looking for automotive, residential, emergency and commercial solutions in Cuyahoga Falls.
